Get to know History and How to Use YouTube
Flashback to the history of YouTube before becoming the largest video platform in the world
it seems quite common for people to know what YouTube is and what it is for,
but it seems that few people know how the story of its emergence has made it as
big as it is today. At the moment, YouTube is a media sharing site, which is a
type of social media that allows its users to share video and audio media.
YouTube has become one of the most popular video viewing platforms today.
use YouTube both for checking the latest news, searching for information, and
even for entertainment such as watching movies, listening to songs, or watching
various tutorials.
was built as a very popular video sharing site, especially among the younger
generation. Most of the younger generations use YouTube in their daily lives.
to, 93.8% of Indonesians use YouTube as one of the most
frequently used social media. Thanks to YouTube, you also have the power to
connect with a large and diverse audience. Over 1.9 billion people log on to
YouTube every month.
is an open platform. Report from the official site, YouTube shares the value
they have. YouTube's values are based on four core freedoms: freedom of
expression, freedom of information, freedom of opportunity, and freedom to have
a workplace.
believes that everyone has the right to have an opinion. So the world will be a
better place if we are willing to listen, share and build community through the
stories we have.
YouTube Story
by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim, former early PayPal employees,
YouTube began as a tech startup funded by an $11.5 million investment from
Sequoia Capital between November 2005 and April 2006.
first office was located above a Japanese restaurant and pizzeria in San Mateo,
California. On February 14, 2005, the domain name was
officially activated.
choice of the name caused problems for a website with a similar
name, namely The site's owner, Universal Tube & Rollform
Equipment, filed a lawsuit against YouTube in November 2006 after it was
regularly overloaded with visitors searching for YouTube. Finally, Universal
Tube has since changed the name of its website to
months before the official launch in November 2005, YouTube offered a beta test
in May 2005. The site's growth exploded and in July 2006 the company announced
that over 65,000 videos were uploaded daily and the site was receiving 100 million
videos viewed per day.
October 2006, Google. eventually announced that they had purchased YouTube for
$1.65 billion in stock. This deal was completed on November 13, 2006. It was
also Google's second largest acquisition at the time.
Google also had its own video sharing platform called Google Video. However,
the platform failed to generate as much traffic as YouTube. The acquisition was
made after YouTube struck deals with media companies to avoid copyright
infringement lawsuits.
the acquisition process is complete, YouTube operates independently with
co-founders and 68 employees under Google. YouTube's operations later expanded
to other countries around the world.
same year, YouTube also explored a marketing and advertising partnership with
NBC. It is estimated that in 2007, YouTube consumed the same amount of
bandwidth as the entire Internet did in 2000. Alexa even placed YouTube as the
third most visited site on the Internet, after Google and Facebook.
June 2008, a Forbes magazine article estimated 2008 revenues at $200 million,
noting progress in advertising sales.
in November of the same year, YouTube struck a deal with MGM, Lions Gate
Entertainment, and CBS, allowing them to upload full episodes of movies and TV
to their website, along with a public-only ad box. American called
"Spectacles". .
move was intended to create competition with websites similar to Hulu, which
features content from NBC, Fox and Disney.
January 2010, YouTube launched an online movie rental service, which is
currently only available to users in the United States, Canada, and the United
service offers more than 6,000 movies. Two months later, YouTube started
streaming some content for free, including 60 Indian Premier League cricket
matches. According to YouTube, this is the world's first free internet
broadcast of a major sporting event
that year, YouTube launched a new site design in an effort to simplify the
interface and increase the time users spent on their site. YouTube also
reportedly streams more than two billion videos a day, a number believed to be
"nearly double the prime-time viewership of the three largest U.S.
television networks."
May 2011, YouTube reported on the company's blog that the site received more
than three billion hits per day. Then in January 2012, YouTube said the number
had risen to four billion a day.
at Zoo" became one of the first videos uploaded to YouTube at that time.
The video features YouTube co-founder Karim at the San Diego Zoo. The video has
been viewed 169 million times since it was uploaded on April 23, 2005.
far, YouTube is the 2nd often used social media platform by all people in the
world after Facebook with a total number of hours of video watched on YouTube
every day of 1 billion.
How to Upload Videos and Grow a YouTube Channel
- Upload video files from your computer or mobile device.
- Then add descriptive details that can help people find your video. Before clicking Publish, you need to add information such as a title, description, and thumbnail. These details are called metadata and affect video discovery. Therefore, use words and images that give an accurate and compelling insight into what the audience can expect.
- People watch your videos. YouTube's search and discovery algorithms work behind the scenes to match viewers to the videos they're most likely to watch and enjoy. Many factors influence this, such as which videos have been watched, unwatched, liked, hated, etc. by each viewer.
- Fans come back for more. When someone likes a video, they can subscribe to your channel and share it with friends and family. Viewers leave comments on videos and you can respond to them. Learn more about community interactions.
becoming a YouTube Creator, there are several terms and conditions and a number
of differences between YouTube and other platforms that you should understand,
namely :
- Watch time is how long viewers watch your content. Watch time is important because YouTube can show your content to more people based on their viewing habits. Learn more.
- Subscribers are viewers who have indicated they want to watch more of your content and have clicked the subscribe button on your channel. Subscribers play a huge role in your success on YouTube because they are more likely to watch your channel than unsubscribed viewers. If they have notifications turned on, they'll be notified when you post a new video. They can also see your recently posted videos in the Subscriptions feed.
- Community refers to the relationship with the audience on a deeper level. You can do this by interacting with viewers in the Comments section of the video, hosting a live stream for loyal fans, creating community-requested videos, or sharing additional content via the Community tab (in version beta).
How to download videos from Youtube on a smartphone
uploading videos, the first thing you need to do is sign in with your Google
account to create a YouTube channel. Generally, the YouTube app is directly
synced with your Google account if you have already registered a Google account
on a smartphone or laptop/PC.
- Press "Create" or click on the "+" logo.
- Record a new video or select an existing video from your gallery.
- Optionally, you can make improvements and select "Next":
- Trim your video by dragging the edge of the light blue box below your video.
- Add filters to your videos.
- Add the video details, then select "Next".
- Select "Yes, this content is made for children" or "No, this content is not made for children" to select your audience. Learn more about Made for Kids settings.
- Select "Yes, limit my videos to viewers 18+" or "No, don't limit my videos to viewers 18+" to select an audience. Learn more about age restrictions.
- Finally, click "Upload" to publish your video.
How to Download Youtube Videos to Laptop/PC
- Click on the "Create" button
- Record a new video or select an existing video from your gallery.
- Add the video details and then there is an option that offers whether the video you are uploading is made for kids or not. Choose according to your video category. Then click "Next"
- After that, YouTube will conduct a copyright inspection. YouTube will notify you if your video infringes or does not infringe copyright. Then click "Next"
- Click Publish to finish uploading the public video to YouTube. If you set the video's privacy setting to Private or Unlisted, just click Done to complete the upload, or click Share to share the video privately.
Additional references
- Wikipedia
- Youtube
- Data report
- WeAreSocial